Friday, October 23, 2009

Last Week

Hey everyone,
Sorry I didn't post anything last week, but it was sooo hectic. Last week was a great week. It started well and ended well. We had NO SCHOOL on Monday so we went apple picking. I think a little over board and picked too many apples, but that just means I have to bake more apple pies :) We did have apple crisp though that night....made by Alissa. We decided to use the mini grill for the first time and it was interesting. It took forever to light the coals and keep them lit, but when they did light the food was delicious. That Tuesday was terrible. We had a monday schedule on tuesday and it just threw everything off. We were all so tired at the end of the day, especially getting home late from youth group. Had a test that I studied maybe a grand total of 2 hours for but I did well on which I was suprised. Last Friday was fun. We had a girls night at our apartment. We were so excited about it for weeks. We sent out formal invitations that they had to RSVP to. We made fun little magnets, painted nails, watched movies, made banana muffins at 2 in the morning and had pancakes. Our living room looked like girl world exploded in it. It was a great way to end the school week and go into the weekend. Saturday was a lazy day and Sunday was backwards. We had church in the evening this time, but I didn't go. I went to a Support Our Troops Concert with Joe Nichols singing acousticly. It was a long needed night away for everything and a reminder of home. Tears were shed, laughter was heard and smiles were worn.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Roomie Love

Last night was a great ending to an ok day. Drove 45 minutes with the roomies Alon & Alissa to eat at the Outback and surprise Alon's boyfriend. It was a well deserved time with the sisters; eating blooming onions, shrimp on the barbie, and thunder from down under for dessert. I am so grateful to have such amazing roommates this year, third time's the charm. I love these girls to death and they are an encouragement to be around. It's nice to have roommates who you can talk to about stuff and they know what you are talking about.

Tonight was fun as well. Jasmine came over and we spent the night making cute invitations for the girls sleepover coming up. It made us all excited and ancy for it to happen. It's going to be so much fun and it will help all the girls at CSF to get to know each other better.