Sunday, December 6, 2009

Froehe Sankt Nikolaus Tag!

St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6th in Germany as well as in other European countries. On the evening before the 6th, children place their newly cleaned shoes in front of the door in the hope that Nicholas might fill them with nuts, fruits, chocolate, and sweets. If the children have behaved well, their wishes will be fulfilled. Children who have caused mischief will receive only a switch, which symbolizes punishment for their bad deeds.

Every year I have done this for my roommates to give them a little taste of other traditions, but also as a way to remind me of home. My parents always did this for us and I want to continue it in my Christmas traditions. I remember being so excited on December 5th for the surprises that we would find the next day in our shoes. This year is no different and I am even more excited to do it this year because of the roommates that I am blessed to live with. Their shoes contain chocolate ornament bells and balls that one would find in Germany, a wooden heart ornament with their name on it and a mixed CD.

What are some holiday traditions around this time of the year that your family does?
Are there any that you want to continue in your holidays?


  1. What a great tradition! Did you also do Santa Claus or was this in place of Santa Claus? Hmm... maybe we'll do this next year in place of Santa on Christmas Day (my kids know he isn't real). then Christmas Day can be all about Jesus.

  2. Thanks for the gifts Kim, it was a great little surprise to wake up to this morning! I am seriously blessed to live with you as well... and this tradition is amazing, maybe I will include it in my future as well =)

  3. We never did Santa Claus. I think this was in place of Santa Claus. It is a great tradition to incorporate into the holidays. Especially if you do not believe in Santa. It's a fun little way for the kids to see that they have been good this year.
