Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chocolate Mousse

One of my classes this trimester is 4061. What it is, is the running of a restaurant. We are in groups of 3 people and we have a budget of $125 to fee 16 people a minimum 4 course meal. We then have assigned days and each group executes their own menu. We pick our employees from the rest of the class and create our own menu. My group went 2 weeks ago and it turned out great. This week I am a BOH employee and am making the dessert. The dessert the group chose was chocolate mousse and since I had not made mousse since over a year ago, I decided to test it out this weekend. It turned out really chocolate chip mousse, thank goodness. I am now prepared to make the best mousse that I can this Wednesday.

Friday, April 16, 2010


You know what really gets me. Facebook and the internet was fun way back when, but recently I have become very bored with it. I always find myself going to the same sites over and over again and they are not very educational, ie; Facebook, e-mail, shopping, amazon, jwu, etc. I get very bored with it and it frustrates me when I catch myself doing it. I need to start reading more and finding other things to do. This does not mean that I am going to stop being on my computer because I need it for homework, but I just need to stop being lazy and find other stuff than going on Facebook all the time. So if you find me doing this, please stop me and tell me to find something else to do. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Marriage From the Beginning

Voddie Baucham
Marriage from a biblical perspective, marriage by design, what marriage was intended to be.

"Marriage was designed on purpose for a purpose, and when we use it for things it was not designed for we will find ourselves in trouble. Gen 2:18 - "The Lord God said that it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Marriage was God's idea. Marriage is a good and honerable state. It is a gift, holy and wonderful thing. It is an incredible relationship, ministry and opportunity but we do not believe that. Proverbs18:22 - Proverbs 31:10-
2 basic biblical purposes for Marriage:
1. Procreation - the idea that we would represent God on the earth. The idea that he gives us marriage to have children, to raise them up as and represent the image of God among the earth. "Be fruitful and multiply" - the first command that God gave to man.
2. Illustration - Ephesians 5. designed Marriage to be a living breathing illustration of the relationship between Christ and the church.
3. God Designed man to desire marriage - do not shy away from the desire that God has given you for marriage."