Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vanity Fair

I watched Vanity Fair today; a movie I have wanted to see for a while. It is not what I thought it would be. The main character is called Becky Sharp; she grew up a starving artists daughter and ended up working as a maid in a girls boarding school when she was very young. She tends to wither her way to the top of wherever she is, but the women do not like her. She becomes the assistant of a very wealthy women who likes her but when she finds out Becky married her nephew she hates her. It's funny how someone is a delightful person but when they marry into the family they tend not to be good enough. Her and her husband are disowned by the family but they don't care because they know their luck will turn around and they are absolutely in love with each other. She doesn't seem to care about any other man because she has the love of her life. But the way she uses the people around her to provide for her family causes her to lose that love. I found myself rooting for Becky and her husband to stay together, hoping that she would turn from her ways a realize what she was doing, but sadly it did not happen. She meant good, and in her eyes that is what she thought she was doing, but it was driving a wedge between her and her husband. Not only did she lose the love of her life but she lost her son as well. He was sent to a boarding school and she never saw him again. The end is not what I expected though. I actually did not like the end. She ends up marrying a man whom she would have married in the beginning of the movie but he never proposed. It made her seem cold and insensitive. There is actually an alternate ending that I liked better. It made her seem like she had feelings and cared about the people in her life that she lost. All in all it was a good movie and very enjoyable. It was excellent acting and a good story line.

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