Tuesday, February 1, 2011

God works in mysterious ways

My sister finally made it back home safe and sound. While she was there she was able to see my dad a couple times. God is good.

While sitting in Mission Support School last week surrounded by other missionaries God sent to spread his gospel throughout the United States. While there I really did discover the meaning of the military being a small world. I discovered that one of the college ministers from Alabama, his wife, grew up in Germany for a couple years right where my family is now. I also found out that one of the missionary husbands in New Orleans is a chaplain in the National Guard. Well he was my dad's pastor in Iraq for 3 months. It's crazy how God brings all these people into our lives and while we may not know the reason for it then but we will one day.


  1. So neat to see those connections! So encouraging knowing God is placing us each in the perfect place at the perfect time!!!

  2. How fun to find connections you didn't expect!
