Sunday, November 1, 2009


I obeyed one of God's commands this evening by being baptized as an outward expression of my faith and acceptance of Christ as my LORD and Savior.
"I was baptized this evening because God commands us to be baptized as an outward confession of our faith and as a promise to follow the LORD, doing his work all the days of our lives. I grew up in a christian home and heard the gospel my entire life. I went to church and participated in Sunday School every sunday. At the age of 12 I accepted Christ into my heart to be my LORD and savior, to do his will and to spread his name until I am taken to meet him in heaven. I accepted christ because I realized that I was a sinner in need of a savior and it is for this reason that Christ died and shed his blood on the cross, to cleanse me of my sins. Coming to Providence for school has changed my life in many ways. I have grown more spiritually and have become much closer to God inmy relationship to him."

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