Monday, January 11, 2010

New Years

For New Years this year we slept until late in the afternoon because we got home late from England that morning. We did stay up until midnight though, playing poker, watching British Mystery Christmas Specials, and then at 11pm we watched German New Years Folk parties on TV. We then went outside and watch our neighbors set off fireworks into the wee hours of the morning. We stayed outside for a good half hour and then since it was freezing, decided to go back inside and watch Race to Witch Mountain (which is a cute movie). The sad part about this year was that we did not get our traditional New Years Book. Every year, since we were younger our parents would give us a book on New Years Day. This year however the mail was being stupid and weird and the stuff that was ordered didn't come in. Not all of the Christmas gifts came in either, so we may be getting some gifts in January or February.

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