Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things happen in Threes....Well not with my family

Lets recap the mast few months. My Dad was deployed to Iraq, Rachel broke her ankle, Hovis (the dog) died, and Nathan decided to get 70 stitches in his head. The set of three did happen after my dad left but then of course my family had to break that saying like they always do. Our other dog Hunter started having problems walking on Sunday and he was whining about his left ear. We thought it was an ear infection and that is what was causing him to be off balance. We took him to the vet and he wasn't sure what it was, so he gave us antibacterial medicine for him. We were to return to the vet in 2 days. Well he only got worse in those next 2 days. When we went back to the vet he suggested that we get a CT Scan done to find out if it was tumors or something else. It turned out we had to drive him to an Animal Hospital 45 minutes away, where they took blood tests, spinal fluid and a CT Scan. He stayed there for the week and then my mom got a phone call today from the vet since the tests had to be sent off to be looked at. Apparently all the tests came back negative for bacteria, cancer and everything else they tested for and that it was tumors in his head. We drove over there around 7pm today to say goodbye before they put him down. He was much worse than when we saw him on Sunday. At least he's not in pain anymore and he's probably running around with Hovis in the farm in the sky. Do you think that God cries when one of his creations leaves this earth?

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