Monday, August 2, 2010

Not another one!

This summer has turned out to be a very morbid one filled with accidents and death. We were away this past weekend at my cousin's wedding and so we did not receive the phone call until last night. Apparently my Great Uncle Joe passed away on Friday from natural causes. I had not seen him in many years but from what I remember when I was younger, is that he was a really fun and nice uncle. Why all this stuff is happening in one summer I am not sure but I am glad it is this summer because I am not sure if I will be home next summer to help my mom. I suppose though that you have to be joyful about their life and pray that they lived it to the fullest.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kim, I'm sorry for your loss....and I'm sorry you've been having such a rough summer. We should skype or something like that soon. I miss you and we have barely talked at all the whole summer. <3&prayers
