Friday, September 24, 2010


It's been a while from the last time I posted something and a bit has happened since then. In September we went to Ireland for a week for my cousin's wedding. As a traditional Irish Wedding it was over the course of 3 days. The wedding was Friday, there was a party at the bar on Saturday and Sunday was a family lunch. Then they left for their honeymoon. It was tons of fun and we got to travel for a few days. Although at the wedding cousins were coming out of the woodwork that I didn't even know I had and they were either named Ann, AnnMarie or Marie (I am never naming my child any of those names). What was interesting about the ceremony was that she grew up catholic and he grew up protestant so they had a priest and a reverend perform the ceremony. It was quite interesting. For traveling we went to Galway, Cashel, Cobh, Kilarney, Blarney and the Cliffs of Moher. All within 3 days. It was a lot of fun. I even kissed the "Blarney Stone."
We got back from Ireland and the Bazaar was at the base the next weekend. I worked that all weekend with my mom and then left on Wednesday for Yssingeaux. My mom and I decided that to leave a day earlier than I had to be there so that we could stop along the way. We made a pit stop in Nancy and Dijon. Nancy has what is considered the most beautiful town square in Europe and you can't go to Dijon without buying some mustard.
I made it to Yssingeaux yesterday and today was our first full day here. It's been slow, cold and wet all day but that's ok because we have the whole weekend free and plenty of time to get used to the town. I will keep you updated on the school and all my travels while I'm here but from my first impression it looks like it is going to be a great program and we are going to learn a lot. Bye for now.

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