Monday, October 17, 2011

Support A Missionary

As many of you know I am currently working as a 102b missionary on Johnson & Wales campus in Providence, RI. Ever since my first year at Johnson & Wales University I have been involved with Spiritual Life; more importantly “Christian Student Fellowship”; here on campus. Through my time and involvement here the Lord has given me a yearning to reach the college students in the United States, and in particular, New England. Providence, Rhode Island, consistently comes up as one of the most unreached cities in America from an evangelistic standpoint. The International Mission Board defines an unreached people group as any people group that is comprised of less than 2% evangelical. A nation within a nation without the gospel and without hope.  According to, the percentage of people that actually attended a Gospel-preaching church in Rhode Island was 1.4%! 

Rhode Island has more college students per capita than any other state in the country. Providence alone has five major schools within the city limits: Brown University, Rhode Island College, Providence College, Rhode Island School of Design, and Johnson & Wales University; drawing students from all over the world. This last one, Johnson & Wales, has a student population of nearly 10,000 with less than 100 known Christians, many of whom are not connected to a church or discipleship relationship in any way. Though a completely secular school, I have the opportunity to work with the Protestant Campus Minister as a 10:2b missionary. This position is not only a volunteer opportunity to just help out with collegiate ministry but it is more of a mentorship. I will be working directly under the campus minister and will be learning about ministry, in particular collegiate ministry, and learning the different things I need to be equipped with if I am to continue a life in this area of ministry after my life at Johnson & Wales University.

College students are at formative time in their lives where they are asking many of the questions to which the Gospel directly speaks. The answers they find will shape the rest of their lives. At the same time, college students are at a time in their lives where, by God’s empowerment, they can be fully devoted to the faith as they are not yet settled anywhere. My desire is that students would come to be gripped by the Gospel and devote themselves to the Christ. Lord willing some of these students live the rest of their lives as missionaries wherever the Lord may lead them to next. We want to see some of them purposefully settle in Providence for the purpose of living out the Gospel and reaching Rhode Island. Others we pray will take the Gospel to other places in New England and the ends of the earth.

This past year I was approved by and invited to this collegiate position with the North American Mission Board (NAMB). The position is what NAMB calls an MSCV (Mission Service Corp Volunteer) missionary - a missionary opportunity requiring me to raise financial support that enables me to fully devote myself to ministry. Filling this volunteer position on campus gives me open access to the campus, to help the campus minister in the running of the “Christian Student Fellowship,” in discipling the current students, in particular the girls, and sharing the Gospel with as many to whom the Lord gives an open door.

How can you help? This opportunity is only minimally financed and I need to raise a minimum of $10,000 per year. I can only continue as I am supported by people like you. I am asking you to help support me in the mission field. Whether you can give large or small, one time or monthly, I need you. I have made an initial commitment of 2 years with intentions of staying as long as the Lord keeps me in this work. Should you desire to speak with me about this or simply have questions please contact me and I will be happy to talk either in person or otherwise. My cell number is 201-310-7577 and my e-mail is  If you are located internationally and would prefer to use Skype my name is futurechef10.

Will you partner with me?  Should you want to give, there is an account number with the North American Mission Board dedicated to me so that if you give to the work then you will receive a tax contribution from that organization and I will receive 100% of the money. The information is at the bottom of this post. Providence, Rhode Island, is a desperate, depressed, and oppressed place when it comes to the Gospel. I need much prayer. Please pray for me even now that God would enable me to carry out this task in the power of His Spirit.

In Christ,                                                       

North American Mission Board

Attn: Accounting - MSC
PO Box 116543                                                         
Atlanta, GA 30368-6543                                                       
Memo line: Kimberly Vroegindewey - #9732

You can also easily set up a recurring gift on the internet at

Phone: 201-310-7577

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