Wednesday, October 6, 2010

School Excursion

This past Monday we went to L'Hermitage, France; located on the Rhone river. We all piled on a bus and drove 1hr 30min to the final destination. We were given an 1hr 30mins to walk around town and then meet up for lunch. The first stop on some of out lists were the M. Chapoutier wine shop. We walked in and it was amazing. There was wine everywhere, they had samples of the gravel that the grapes grow in, barrels and wine bottles. One look at the price list thought and out first comment was "No way," then we found the affordable wine. I ended up purchasing 2 bottles, a red and a rose, as gifts for the parents. We had time to walk around the town and visit bakeries and take a view at the Rhone River. Lunch was a 3 course meal, during which we experienced a huge rain storm that was blowing chairs all over the place. Once most of the rain had subsided we left for our excursion at the Valrhona Chocolate Factory. We were not allowed to take pictures inside the factory but the chocolate was delicious. We got to see the whole process of making the ingredients for chocolate. The chocolate bars and candy themselves were all made at the Valrhona school. At the end of the tour we were given a gift back with sample chocolates and recipes books. All in all it was a very fun and interesting day.

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