Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Weihnachts Markt

Christmas in Germany is so different than in the United States. I find that it is much more festive and there is more to the Holidays for people than shopping and running around everywhere. It is a time of family, friends, Celebrating the birth of Christ and the spirit of joy and happiness that this season brings.

On Sunday my family and drove down to the Stuttgart Weihnachts Markt (Christmas Market), our favorite one. The downtown shopping center and courtyard is packed with stalls of food, wood engravings, warm weather accessories, kitchen goods, candles, smokers, nutcrackers...etc. and even an ice skating rink. We took the U-bahn down to Koenigsstrasse and had an enjoyable bratwurst on brotchen with mustard once reaching the market. I ran into my good friend Tamara and her family downtown and we caught up later that evening before my family returned to Ramstein. It was great to see her. I miss her so much. I need to get better at calling and e-mailing people. One person I did not see but wish I had was Michelle W.

We walked around the christmas market for at least 2 hours; enjoying the smells, food, hand crafted goods, decorations and gluhwein. Gluhwein is a traditional spiced wine that is drunk warm at christmas time. It warms one from the inside out. I also ate a nice helping of cheese was delicious. To end out the night, it started snowing, which simply added to the whole experience.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Elf Yourself

This is the funniest website in the world.

So I was bored one night and decided to Elf my roommates and myself. Here is the link to our video

Hope you enjoy it and laugh as hard as we do every time we see it.

Cookie Exhange

It's almost the end of the week and I fly out tomorrow to go home for Christmas. I'm sooooo excited. I can't wait to see my family and friends, go to the Christmas Markets, drink Gluhwein, enjoy the's going to be so much fun :)

Tonight I was invited to Norm and Cheryl's house for a cookie exchange. There were sooo many cookies, I'm not quite sure what I am going to do with them all or if they will even let me take them on the plane. (Maybe I can bribe the guards and flight attendants with them.) Anyway, I made Pfeffernusse, a German cookie. They are basically flour, molasses, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg shaped into balls and baked, and then rolled in powdered sugar. They are really good. The other cookies consisted of gingersnaps, sugar cookies, maple cookies, jelly cookies, peanut butter graham cracker chocolate cookies (made by Alissa Graham) and clumps of pretzels coated in chocolate (can't remember the name). They all looked delicious and it was a lot of fun. Norm and Cheryl are such hospitable, funny people and they have such a cute log cabin house.

So today was my roommate, Alissa's first time melting chocolate and it was a disaster. First she tried a double boiler, but she didn't realize that the water was not supposed to touch the bottom of the top pot, so the chocolate just formed a clump. Then she tried putting it in the microwave and it just got worse from there. Needless to say it was a funny spectacle.

If you have never done or been to a cookie exchange, you should definitely do one. It is interesting to see the and taste the different cookies and it is fun fellowship time. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hectic, hectic weekend

This weekend is going to be hectic, hectic hectic. Tomorrow begins the women's bible study for the college students. I am taking my American Government CLEP test on Friday morning, which I have yet to study for. There is also our leadership meeting on Friday morning and then preparing and getting everything ready for the Christmas party. Then on Saturday I am going to the Boston Pops Orchestra with Micah, Elyse, Kyle, Hannah and Melissa. I also have to do homework, read and other things. Crazy, crazy, crazy. I don't know how my mom did it at times with 5 kids going in 5 different places at all times. Props to her and all the other moms.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Froehe Sankt Nikolaus Tag!

St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 6th in Germany as well as in other European countries. On the evening before the 6th, children place their newly cleaned shoes in front of the door in the hope that Nicholas might fill them with nuts, fruits, chocolate, and sweets. If the children have behaved well, their wishes will be fulfilled. Children who have caused mischief will receive only a switch, which symbolizes punishment for their bad deeds.

Every year I have done this for my roommates to give them a little taste of other traditions, but also as a way to remind me of home. My parents always did this for us and I want to continue it in my Christmas traditions. I remember being so excited on December 5th for the surprises that we would find the next day in our shoes. This year is no different and I am even more excited to do it this year because of the roommates that I am blessed to live with. Their shoes contain chocolate ornament bells and balls that one would find in Germany, a wooden heart ornament with their name on it and a mixed CD.

What are some holiday traditions around this time of the year that your family does?
Are there any that you want to continue in your holidays?

New Trimester

Hey Everyone,
I hope your Thanksgiving was good and you had a great and memorable time with friends and family. I know I had a great time with my relatives, sister and dad. I am thankful for many things, people and all the gifts and blessings that God has bestowed upon me this year. One of these blessings this past break was a car. I am very grateful to have one. It is so much easier to get around to the grocery store and CSF and things like that. Now the whole big thing is finding a job.

There are a lot of changes happening this trimester. First there are new classes, Acct., Hosp Law, Beverage, and Contemporary Issues in the Food Service Industry. Then there is the fact that we do not have a campus minister anymore and so all the leaders at CSF are going to have to step it up a notch and take on more responsibility. We are planning a lot of new things for CSF this year, different ideas to switch up our weekly meetings and also ways to get people from the church and students to interact with each other.

My classes this tri I think are not going to be hard and I am looking forward to my Beverage class the most. We are going to be tasting different types of drinks; water, coffee, tea, wine, beer, spirits, liquors, sparkling wines, etc. You get the idea. But this stuff fascinates me and I enjoy it a lot. I also like the class because there is no homework except for a project. My law professor is a fun individual who has tons of stories to tell about his time as a lawyer and all the cases he did or remembers. His head also contains a lot of facts and dates that you would not think someone could remember. I know I had trouble remembering dates of things if it was not important.

It rained all day today and so around 4pm my roommate Alissa and myself decided to go for a little drive to Smithfield crossing. We found the cutest Christmas hanger for out door at Kohls and then when we walked outside it was snowing. At that moment it finally seemed like December. Earlier this week it was in the mid to high 60s. When is it ever in the 60s in December in New England. This led to a night of hot chocolate and crafts.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Trimester is finally OVER!!

This tri officially ended for me today! YES! So excited for this break. It will give me a chance to just get away from Providence and think about what has and is going on in my life and here on campus. There are going to be many changes in the rest of the year to come.
I am now a member of Grace Harbor Community Church and am so excited about it. There are a lot of good changes happening within the church and I am excited to see where they go. Pastor Kevin has been talking a lot about church membership and the importance of being a church member and also the importance of the church. This is something that I have never heard before and has not been talked about ever, since I started as a Freshman.
This past week has been crazy. Monday and Tuesday were our "reading" days or study days before finals, so we had no classes, and my roommate Alon, our friend Hannah and myself went to the outlets for some shopping. I have to say, I did pretty well. I only got one thing for myslef and the other things were christmas gifts. Tuesday was our last TNT for the break and was out study TNT. We don't actually study during this time, it's more of a hang out. We talked about the mission opportunities for Spring Break, Florida & Russia. I am so pumped for these and am planning on returning to Russia to continue what has been started there by the students who have gone in previous years. Then we played a game of Cranium and ate pizza.
Wednesday morning I had a 9:20 final and woke up at 7. I just layed in bed for a while and then heard my roommate Alon in the kitchen exclaim "Oh my gosh." I knew it had to do with a mouse. We have been getting little visitors lately because of the cold days every now and then. So we had bought traps. They are plastic ones that react the same as the regular ones inside, except you don't see the dead mouse. Well this mouse was not dead and was trying to push the red flap down inside that was holding it back. We didn't know what to do because we didn't want to let a live mouse outside because it would come right back in. And we are cheap and wanted to re-use the trap. So Alon's fiance suggested first that we drop it out a window hoping it would die because we are on the second floor. We thought that since the trap didn't kill it a drop like that wouldn't either. Them he suggested we stick it in the freezer. So we put it in plastic bags a stuck it in the freezer. Needless to say when we went to empty the trap that night the mouse was not coming out of the trap so we had to just throw the whole thing away.
Today was a nice ending to a long day. I had a 7:10 final this morning and then another at 11:30. I then walked around the mall and bought some christmas gifts. Later tonight my roommate Alissa and I babysat Silas, our pastor's son, the cutest 2 year old ever, for a couple of hours. When they got back it was nice to sit and talk with Kevin and his wife Melissa about things and watch the Office with them.
I am really ready for this break. I cannot wait to see my aunts, uncles, cousins, sister and my dad. I am really excited to bake and cook and just to relax with no pressure, homework or running around. It will be refreshing. Hope you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nori the Fish

Funny story....
So my roommate Alon has a fish named Nori.
Well last night she comes into the living room saying that her fish was gone. That is had flopped out of the fish tank. So I went in to take a look and it was gone. She didn't want to look for it, she wanted me to do it because she didn't want to see it. She stood by the door while I looked. I checked her shoes and by her bed and then I thought that there could be a space underneath the side table. So I reached round the back and felt for a space and there was one. I started to pull the side table away and there was the fish laying with its tail bent under it's body on the floor. Alon wouldn't look at it and she wanted me to get rid of it. So I took two dust pans and moved it from the floor to one of the pans. Then I dropped it in the toilet and it flinched. I thought it was just a reflex and then it started breathing. I told Alon and she was in shock. We both were. So we filled a bowl with water and took a ladel (yes a ladel) and scooped it out of the toilet into the bowl. We left it in there overnight and if it died I was to flush it, but it didn't. Nori is alive and happy. It's a good thing Goldfish only have 2 sec memories.

The Past Weekend

I have been really bad lately about posting new posts so I am going to try harder to post them more regularly.
This past weekend was a lot of fun. Thursday 6 of us went out to Chilis for the 3 for $20 deal and had a great time. At one point some of us were in tears because we were laughing so hard. Also we decided that one of my roommates was like a camel because she drank about 8 cups of water and did not have to pee.
Friday was fun becuase we got to go to a Brown Women's Ice Hockey Game. We were about the only people there and the one's with the most spirit even though we don't go to Brown. We had made signs for each of the players, were screaming and had painted our faces. It was a BLAST!!! We plan on going again, plus we get free tickets. Saturday was fun because it was such a beautiful day out and so some of us went to Newport. We walked along the Cliff Walk and saw the mansions, had lunch at Panera and walked around Thames Street. The only downside was that the bus was an hour ride......crazy.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Non - traditional Halloween Party

Pizza, junk food, Scene It, crazy game of Turbo Cranium and talking to 1:45 am....what better way to spend Halloween night. Last night my roommates and I had a non-traditional Halloween party. We hosted a get together for all the students and people who did not want to be in the dorms on this very skanky night or sitting at home. We had about 20 people in the apartment at one point during the night and it was intense. Our entire dining room table was covered in junk food and snacks. People stayed till 1:45 am, which I am glad about because then they did not have to experience a Johnson & Wales/Providence Halloween. I do not understand why people think that it's ok to dress up in the least amount of clothing possible and go and get drunk. And people wonder why they get hit on, raped or butt pinched. Anyways, enough of that rant. Alissa made her famous Hummus, pumpkin seeds and taco dip. I made the cupcakes and famous stove - top popcorn. Elyse brought the games and Sherita brought the pizza. Everyone else brought the snacks and the fun.

Friday night my roommate Alon and I finally carved out mini pumpkins that we bough on Columbus day. They turned out really good actually. Alissa baked the pumpkin seeds for the party....they were soooo good. And Hannah R. came over to finish the movies we started the night before and to color pictures.

Everyone here says that my apple pie is really good and I promised my pastors wife that I would make it with her one day to show here, so that is what I did Friday. It was a lot of fun and I am glad that I was able to spend that time with her talking and getting to know her better. I also made and apple pie for the apartment which is half gone already :{ Get ready Uncle Tony and Aunt Trish, I might be baking up a storm at thanksgiving.


I obeyed one of God's commands this evening by being baptized as an outward expression of my faith and acceptance of Christ as my LORD and Savior.
"I was baptized this evening because God commands us to be baptized as an outward confession of our faith and as a promise to follow the LORD, doing his work all the days of our lives. I grew up in a christian home and heard the gospel my entire life. I went to church and participated in Sunday School every sunday. At the age of 12 I accepted Christ into my heart to be my LORD and savior, to do his will and to spread his name until I am taken to meet him in heaven. I accepted christ because I realized that I was a sinner in need of a savior and it is for this reason that Christ died and shed his blood on the cross, to cleanse me of my sins. Coming to Providence for school has changed my life in many ways. I have grown more spiritually and have become much closer to God inmy relationship to him."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Last Week

Hey everyone,
Sorry I didn't post anything last week, but it was sooo hectic. Last week was a great week. It started well and ended well. We had NO SCHOOL on Monday so we went apple picking. I think a little over board and picked too many apples, but that just means I have to bake more apple pies :) We did have apple crisp though that night....made by Alissa. We decided to use the mini grill for the first time and it was interesting. It took forever to light the coals and keep them lit, but when they did light the food was delicious. That Tuesday was terrible. We had a monday schedule on tuesday and it just threw everything off. We were all so tired at the end of the day, especially getting home late from youth group. Had a test that I studied maybe a grand total of 2 hours for but I did well on which I was suprised. Last Friday was fun. We had a girls night at our apartment. We were so excited about it for weeks. We sent out formal invitations that they had to RSVP to. We made fun little magnets, painted nails, watched movies, made banana muffins at 2 in the morning and had pancakes. Our living room looked like girl world exploded in it. It was a great way to end the school week and go into the weekend. Saturday was a lazy day and Sunday was backwards. We had church in the evening this time, but I didn't go. I went to a Support Our Troops Concert with Joe Nichols singing acousticly. It was a long needed night away for everything and a reminder of home. Tears were shed, laughter was heard and smiles were worn.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Roomie Love

Last night was a great ending to an ok day. Drove 45 minutes with the roomies Alon & Alissa to eat at the Outback and surprise Alon's boyfriend. It was a well deserved time with the sisters; eating blooming onions, shrimp on the barbie, and thunder from down under for dessert. I am so grateful to have such amazing roommates this year, third time's the charm. I love these girls to death and they are an encouragement to be around. It's nice to have roommates who you can talk to about stuff and they know what you are talking about.

Tonight was fun as well. Jasmine came over and we spent the night making cute invitations for the girls sleepover coming up. It made us all excited and ancy for it to happen. It's going to be so much fun and it will help all the girls at CSF to get to know each other better.